Snowflake Data Cloud Summit Preview
Broadcast Date: May 30, 2024 at 3 PM ET
The Snowflake Conference cometh! Some 200 vendors and 20,000 attendees will converge on the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco to hear the latest and greatest in the world of data. AI, Analytics, Data Modeling and more will be on the docket.
Learn more by checking out this episode of DM Radio, as Host @eric_kavanagh interviews Hyoun Park of Amalgam Insights, and Keith Belanger of SQLdbm!
Click Here for Audio Only!
Click Here for Podcast! Part 1 & Part 2

Eric Kavanagh
CEO at The Bloor Group
Eric has nearly 30 years of experience as a career journalist with a keen focus on enterprise technologies. He designs and moderates a variety of New Media programs, including The Briefing Room, DM Radio and Espresso Series, as well as GARP’s Leadership and Research Webcasts. His mission is to help people leverage the power of software, methodologies and politics in order to get things done.

Hyoun Park
CEO and Principal Analyst at Amalgam Insights

Keith Belanger
SqlDBM Product Evangelist at SQLdbm