Innovation Alert: How to Ride the Seventh Wave

Let's talk Data!

Innovation Alert: How to Ride the Seventh Wave

February 22, 2024 Podcast Archives 0

Broadcast Date: February 22, 2024 at 3 PM ET

Every so often, the tumblers align to create massive, enduring change. That’s where we are right now with the confuence of AI, Big Data and Cloud Computing. All cylinders are firing as companies the world over reinvent themselves, and traditionally manual business processes are automated in new, amazing ways.

Find out more on this episode of DM Radio as Host @eric_kavanagh interviews Neal Hansch of Silicon Foundry, Jim Starkey of AmorphousDB, and Andrew Turner of PraxiData.

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Eric Kavanagh
CEO at The Bloor Group

Eric has nearly 30 years of experience as a career journalist with a keen focus on enterprise technologies. He designs and moderates a variety of New Media programs, including The Briefing Room, DM Radio and Espresso Series, as well as GARP’s Leadership and Research Webcasts. His mission is to help people leverage the power of software, methodologies and politics in order to get things done.


Neal Hansch
CEO and Managing Partner of Silicon Foundry

Jim Starkey
Database Architect of AmorphousDB

Andrew Turner
GM of Praxi