Is the Future of Data Platforms… Composable?
Broadcast Date: August 3, 2023 at 3 PM ET
Data platforms have long served many business needs, most notably customer experience management. But with the wealth of innovation in database technology over the past few years, what does the landscape look like today? Is the age of the monolith really over? Could composable be the new flavor for data platforms?
Check out this episode of DM Radio to find out! Host @eric_kavanagh will interview two visionaries in the field: Zack Wenthe of Treasure Data, and Drew Lanenga of Lytics.

Eric Kavanagh
CEO at The Bloor Group
Eric has nearly 30 years of experience as a career journalist with a keen focus on enterprise technologies. He designs and moderates a variety of New Media programs, including The Briefing Room, DM Radio and Espresso Series, as well as GARP’s Leadership and Research Webcasts. His mission is to help people leverage the power of software, methodologies and politics in order to get things done.

Zack Wenthe
Senior Technical Product Marketing Manager – Product Evangelist at Treasure Data

Drew Lanenga
CTO at Lytics