Faster, Leaner, Better: Modern Data Integration
Broadcast Date: May 25, 2023 at 3 PM ET
Drinking from the data firehose? Welcome to the party! The data integration market has matured significantly in the last few years. A whole host of technology solutions have been rolled out to address the size, scale and scope of data movement projects. Yes, the cloud data warehouse is a common target, but what about all those other business systems? The concept of Reverse ETL is now taking hold, as companies look for ways to hydrate their systems with the enriched, purified data that these new warehouses and data lakes provide.
Check out this episode of DM Radio to learn more! Host @eric_kavanagh will interview several experts, including Rick Sherman of Athena IT Solutions, Nick Golovin of Data Virtuality, and Taylor McGrath of

Eric Kavanagh
CEO at The Bloor Group
Eric has nearly 30 years of experience as a career journalist with a keen focus on enterprise technologies. He designs and moderates a variety of New Media programs, including The Briefing Room, DM Radio and Espresso Series, as well as GARP’s Leadership and Research Webcasts. His mission is to help people leverage the power of software, methodologies and politics in order to get things done.

Rick Sherman
Managing Partner at Athena IT Solutions

Nick Golovin
Founder & CEO at Data Virtuality

Taylor McGrath
VP Solutions Engineering at